Legal Rights/Disclaimer

 About Our Service

When you use our taxi service, it’s important to understand a few things. Our Legal Disclaimer talks about what we do, what we have rights for, and what we can’t control.

 Booking and timing

  • Collection Time: We’ll try our best to pick you up and drop you off on time, but sometimes it’s tough because of traffic or unexpected events.
  • Your Responsibility: Make sure the time you choose gives you enough time for your journey. If we think it’s not enough, we’ll tell you when you book.
  • No Speeding: If there’s a risk of being late, our drivers won’t break any traffic laws to make up time.

Factors beyond our control

  • What We Can’t Control: There are things we can’t prevent, like bad weather, accidents, road closures, or unexpected car problems. We aren’t responsible for any problems or costs that come up because of these things.

Terms and Conditions

Areas Outside Stamford: Always check with our call center for prices and travel times outside Stamford.

Refusing Service: We can say no to a ride without giving a reason.

Payment by Card: If you want to pay by card, ask when you book. Not all our cars have card machines.

Price Changing: We can change the prices of taxi service at any time when the demand is high or on certain events. When many people need a ride, or during special events, we might adjust our prices. It helps us manage demand and provide better service.

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on our updates or contact us to know if there are any changes in prices. We want to make sure you’re aware of what to expect.

Fair and transparent: Even when prices change, we aim for fairness and transparency. We’ll always do our best to keep you informed and satisfied.

First Come, First Served: We don’t guarantee a taxi; it depends on availability.

Booking Time Challenges: Sometimes, we can’t meet your booking time due to things like traffic or events. We’re not responsible for any costs if you’re late.

Customer Belongings: Keep your belongings safe; we’re not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Canceling bookings: We can cancel your booking or stop our services without notice.

Your contact number is: We might give your number to the driver for work-related questions. We keep your information safe as per the law.

Animals: We allow assistance dogs. Other animals are allowed at our discretion.

Updates to Terms: We might change our terms, so check this page for the latest information.

Copyrights: All content on our website is ours. We can edit or update at any time, including the pricing and services.